One October

One October we had all 5 kiddos at home

One October was the only month out of the year that happened

One October felt like Thanksgiving every day

One October we did soccer, homework and little of anything else

One October we stopped to smell the roses

One October time stood still

One October


Canvas Print

We have a few photos that are printed on canvas.


I really like how it adds depth to our gallery wall.

This will be the newest canvas that will be adding some color to our otherwise black & white wall.



I can’t wait to get it!

This is also the post where I give credit where credit is due.

Teesha from Humble Me Photography not only did a fabulous job of photographing our family, but she came to our house and made our shoot very comfortable.

{Teesha, I will be calling you after the first snowfall}

I have to share a few more amazing shots she took. Her work says it much better than my words do…





Check her out on Facebook at Humble Me Photography.

A Few More Moments of Celebration

We spent Monday night at the soccer fields. When we got home Boo set the table for our party of bubbles and strawberry swirled cheesecake…




Our birthday-buffet was overflowing with luv from you all…


Thank you!

{See what GREAT love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. 1 John 3:1}

We’re still soaking it all in.

And then last night we had our family pictures taken.

Here’s a sneak peek…


I’ll share more photos later and where you can find this sweet photographer.

I can’t wait to show you the one of us with Lulu’s tree. ❤

Our Week

A few weeks ago, I worked at the school’s book fair. I picked out a book for each of the kids for Valentine’s Day. While I was there I found 2 books with a girl named Lulu in them. I bought them for her.


Our staircase lined with sweet valentine’s from Aunt Sarah.

Breakfast of champs: french toast sticks, whipped cream and raspberries.

Lulu’s 2nd book.

Giving some luv to September.

The boys eating their healthy breakfast.

Enjoy your weekend and the ones you luv.

Our Week

Our week was full. Looking for valentine card ideas. Watching some Switchfoot after our nightly showers. Working on a little luv decorating.  Derby car triumph. {D got second place!} Surprise flowers to celebrate my new job.


Lots of things going on but still taking time to enjoy the little moments.

Enjoy your weekend.

Our Week

This spot on the interweb is where I do my scrap-booking.

My journaling.

A place I keep my memories.

I’ve found a fun little way to keep track of some of our busy time.

This is a little of our happenings around City Farm this week.


The boys worked on their pine wood derby cars. J showed his luv for me {made from pipe insulation}. O & S made a heart with their footsteps while they waited on the bus – that seems to be the theme this week. More derby work. Boo joined the ‘100 club’ at school. And D tried to hide out on the stairs at bedtime.

P.S. Did you notice the new layout for Lulu’s Grace Blog? It was time for an update.

Have a great weekend.

1st Day of School

It’s official, they’re all back in…

D started 6th grade.

O is in 3rd.

S is in 1st.

And little miss is in 3-day pre-school.

P.S. We are in 4 different schools this year. Fun. Fun.

P.P.S. I didn’t think of the kids holding up their fingers to show what grade they’re in, until after D was already at school. Sorry, D, we’ll just have to remember what grade you started this year.

P.P.P.S. Do you see there is no furniture in the living room {behind O & S & A’s pics}? That’s because we decided to have our floors re-finished last week, starting on the 1st day of school – cause why not? It’ll be fun. And since we couldn’t use our stairs…

This is how we entered our home…

I kid you not.

P.P.P.P.S. I will be having more photos of the house progress soon, Angie. 🙂

Texas and our busy week at home

Welcome to my brag book.

It’s like I’m a first time mama, so please excuse my excitement about my ‘baby’ boy.

{oh yeah and don’t tell him I called him my baby boy}

Here he is in training…

{front row – grey t-shirt – left hand side of pic}


And here is Austie…


Teaching all these 11-13 year olds.

 {God bless her}

And while they’ve been busy away.

We’ve been busy here at home.

Sanding floors…

First time dance revue…

Drawing on random sidewalks…

Have a great weekend…


It’s official…

(photo by D)

We really are moving. {In 30 days – Yikes!}.

It is bittersweet.

Bitter, because this is the only house we’ve ever owned. The house that we’ve had our whole family in. The house that we made our home.

But sweet, because of the new adventures that wait for us at our ‘city farm’ home. The dreams that we are so excited to share with our children as we make this our home.

{photo by D}

‘Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself the Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.’ Lamentations 3:22-24

{Thanks for this verse, dad}.

Summer is almost here…

This is a sign that summer starts {at least in this house} in 2 short days…

The kiddos boards are our go-to the whole school year for school papers, soccer forms, ballet rehearsals, and schedules.

And with just 1 paper on each board that says to me it’s almost time for staying up late, pulling out the swim trunks, flashlight painting in the dark, more cooking on the grill and less on the stove, riding bikes, heading off to camp, sleeping under the stars {at least once}, making s’mores a regular dinner item, catching fireflies for night lights and visiting the Dairy Barn way too often.

What is on your summer to-do list?