Dear Lulu,

photo 1

I woke up at 2:00 this morning and could hardly breathe as I thought about you.

I wonder who you look like on your 4th birthday.

I wonder if your eyes match the stars in the night.

I wonder if your hair is still dark and gently lays across your forehead.

I wonder who is holding you close.

I think about your brothers and sister, as they run and play. I see you beside them.

Chasing the chickens, throwing September’s tennis ball, riding in the golf cart.

photo 2

If I could have one more squeeze – I would take it in a second.

If I could kiss your sweet little nose – I wouldn’t hesitate.

It has been more difficult, this birthday.

My heart is still raw.

Time is not doing his job very well.


I know my tears are captured in the hand of The One who made this ‘your’ day.

There is hope in front of me.

So, we WILL celebrate you today, Lulu Grace.

With so much pink…

Balloons – the big ones.

Strawberry cheesecake.

And bubbles being blown all over this little city farm.


We will embrace it all.

The brokenness that still plays its part.

The beauty that somehow outshines it all.

And we will hold you closer still.

Happy 4th Birthday, baby girl.

Luvu, mama

One October

One October we had all 5 kiddos at home

One October was the only month out of the year that happened

One October felt like Thanksgiving every day

One October we did soccer, homework and little of anything else

One October we stopped to smell the roses

One October time stood still

One October


Canvas Print

We have a few photos that are printed on canvas.


I really like how it adds depth to our gallery wall.

This will be the newest canvas that will be adding some color to our otherwise black & white wall.



I can’t wait to get it!

This is also the post where I give credit where credit is due.

Teesha from Humble Me Photography not only did a fabulous job of photographing our family, but she came to our house and made our shoot very comfortable.

{Teesha, I will be calling you after the first snowfall}

I have to share a few more amazing shots she took. Her work says it much better than my words do…





Check her out on Facebook at Humble Me Photography.

A Few More Moments of Celebration

We spent Monday night at the soccer fields. When we got home Boo set the table for our party of bubbles and strawberry swirled cheesecake…




Our birthday-buffet was overflowing with luv from you all…


Thank you!

{See what GREAT love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. 1 John 3:1}

We’re still soaking it all in.

And then last night we had our family pictures taken.

Here’s a sneak peek…


I’ll share more photos later and where you can find this sweet photographer.

I can’t wait to show you the one of us with Lulu’s tree. ❤

Happy 3rd Birthday

Today we are celebrating you, Lulu.

We bought a tree for you and trees for your brothers and sister. We had a beautiful day yesterday and planted your pink weeping cherry tree. Today we will plant the rest and over the years we will watch them as they grow and think about how you are growing in heaven. I can only imagine you would be right in there planting with us. Garden gloves, dirty knees and a big smile.

You certainly fit in with us.




Our strawberry pie is waiting in the refrigerator for after dinner…

and the bubbles will come out tonight.


We’ve got our family pictures scheduled for later this week.

Wow, you keep us busy, just like your big siblings.

I’m glad.

And although time keeps moving forward, we stop where we are and thank God for you.

Happy birthday baby girl.


Back Camera

Our Week

A few weeks ago, I worked at the school’s book fair. I picked out a book for each of the kids for Valentine’s Day. While I was there I found 2 books with a girl named Lulu in them. I bought them for her.


Our staircase lined with sweet valentine’s from Aunt Sarah.

Breakfast of champs: french toast sticks, whipped cream and raspberries.

Lulu’s 2nd book.

Giving some luv to September.

The boys eating their healthy breakfast.

Enjoy your weekend and the ones you luv.

Our Week

Our week was full. Looking for valentine card ideas. Watching some Switchfoot after our nightly showers. Working on a little luv decorating.  Derby car triumph. {D got second place!} Surprise flowers to celebrate my new job.


Lots of things going on but still taking time to enjoy the little moments.

Enjoy your weekend.

Our Week

This spot on the interweb is where I do my scrap-booking.

My journaling.

A place I keep my memories.

I’ve found a fun little way to keep track of some of our busy time.

This is a little of our happenings around City Farm this week.


The boys worked on their pine wood derby cars. J showed his luv for me {made from pipe insulation}. O & S made a heart with their footsteps while they waited on the bus – that seems to be the theme this week. More derby work. Boo joined the ‘100 club’ at school. And D tried to hide out on the stairs at bedtime.

P.S. Did you notice the new layout for Lulu’s Grace Blog? It was time for an update.

Have a great weekend.


My friend, Angie, asked me the other day about the book called ‘Heaven is For Real’. Have you read it? SO good. I luv getting glimpses of heaven from other people. Some season’s I read a lot. Simon asked me the other day about 2 different books I am reading, ‘are you reading BOTH of these at the SAME time?’

My go-to devotional…

‘Jesus Calling’ by Sarah Young

It points you to the Savior’s heart and leads you to His word everyday.


And then other season’s I don’t read much at all because I need to apply these things. I am not in a hurry to finish books. {Good thing.} It may take me months to finish a short book.

Just starting this one. ‘Humility’ by CJ Mahaney


This one, ‘Hope for the Weary Mom’ by Stacey Thacker & Brooke McGlothlin, is so much more than just being a tired mama. It covers so many different areas of weariness. They have a blog that has been a great connecting point for me. We, mama’s, are all at different stages with different situations, but we all have 1 King who WILL meet us right where we are {in our mess}.


What book{s} are feeding your soul right now?

Spilled Milk

My fingers have missed the clicking sound of my computer and writing words from my heart. I just didn’t realize how much until I wrote a ‘Happy Birthday’ post to D this past weekend. So I wanted to start off this new year {a few days late} with a stinky funny story. Last night after putting the kiddos to bed and watching a movie, Jason and I headed off to bed. Now earlier in the day we had noticed that our bedroom was a little stinky. It certainly couldn’t be due to the fact that our bathroom had been used by a couple of little boys – could it? We climbed into bed and I still noticed the smell. Jason checked the toilet to make sure that everything had been flushed down {yes, I went there} and then he walked around our room and noticed that the smell seemed to be stronger near the closet. He wondered if it was sewer gas. So he went to the basement to do a little checking. Nothing could be found. No other rooms were stinky, but I was concerned that any kind of leaking gas could make us sick. So we took our pillows and went to the couches to sleep for the night. This morning he said he was going to make a couple of calls to see what it might be and headed off to work. As I was getting the kids ready for school I got the dirty laundry out of the hamper to take down to the basement to start washing. I lifted the bag out of the hamper and nearly passed out.

It was so stinky.

And then a light bulb came on…

Saturday night Boo had spilled a large glass of milk and cleaned it up with 3 kitchen towels which she promptly placed in our hamper {located right outside of our closet}…

True Story.


And the moral?

Don’t cry over spilled milk…

Also clean up spilled milk and wash the towels that you sop up spilled milk with {right away}.

Have a great day.